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Hatton, Erin. Forthcoming 2024. “’Nobody Becomes a Criminal to Work 9 to 5’: Unpaid Labor, Stigma, and Hegemony in Addiction Treatment.” Social Problems.


Hatton, Erin. Forthcoming 2024. “Working for Rehab: Labor Expropriation as Treatment for Addiction.” Work and Occupations.


Hatton, Erin. 2022. “Work Therapy: Extractive Labour as Therapeutic Intervention.” Work, Employment and Society 38(2): 399-417.


Hatton, Erin. 2021. “Legal ‘Locker Room Talk’: Essentialist Discourses of Masculinity in Law.” Men and Masculinities 25(3): 419-437.


Hatton, Erin. 2019. “’Either You Do It or You’re Going to the Box’: Coerced Labor in Contemporary America.” Critical Sociology 45(6): 907-920.


​Hatton, Erin. 2018. “When Work is Punishment: Penal Subjectivities in Punitive Labor Regimes.” Punishment & Society 20(2): 174-191. 


Hatton, Erin. 2017. “Mechanisms of Invisibility: Rethinking the Concept of Invisible Work.” Work, Employment and Society 31(2): 336-351.


Hatton, Erin. 2015. “Work beyond the Bounds: A Boundary Analysis of the Fragmentation of Work.” Work, Employment and Society 29(6): 1007-1018.


Hatton, Erin. 2014. “Temporary Weapons:  Employers’ Use of Temps against Organized Labor.” Industrial and Labor Relations Review 67(1): 86-110.


Hatton, Erin. 2014. “Mechanisms of Gendering: Gender Typing and the Ideal Worker Norm in the Temporary Help Industry, 1946-1979.” Journal of Gender Studies 23(4): 440-456.


Trautner, Mary Nell, Erin Hatton, and Kelly E. Smith. 2013. “What Workers Want Depends:  Legal Knowledge and the Desire for Workplace Change among Day Laborers.”  Law & Policy 35(4): 319-340.


Hatton, Erin, and Mary Nell Trautner. 2013. “Images of Powerful Women in the Age of ‘Choice Feminism.’” Journal of Gender Studies 22(1): 65-78.


Hatton, Erin, and Mary Nell Trautner.  2011. “Equal Opportunity Objectification? The Sexualization of Men and Women on the Cover of Rolling Stone.” Sexuality & Culture 15(3): 256-278.


Hatton, Erin. 2008. “The Making of the Kelly Girl: Gender and the Origins of the Temp Industry in Postwar America.” Journal of Historical Sociology 21(1): 1-29. 

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